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Friday, October 12, 2012

Viva Espania !

Algo'2012 gets going in earnest with hard boiled eggs and more amazingly hot showers so we must have done something right.  On the weather front a bit of low cloud greeted us along with a very pleasant 22 degrees.

As the guys settled into life in Algo Kaz did the first of 147 packed lunches and I checked the weather. We opted for El Bosque and were up and on our way by around 10.00 ish so pretty good going.  On arrival the cloud was still on the hill so we checked out the bottom landing and went for a coffee and saw a young lady who we decided and had grown into her leather jeans and the chance of her getting them off was pretty minimal, but Phil was up for trying, I digress.........

With an extra one and despite a "bigger" car Phil looked a little cramped

A coffee later the cloud lifted a little and we headed up the hill.  By the time we were on launch things were looking a lot better and with other groups arriving we guessed we were in the right place.  Bill showed the way being first off the hill and whist he sunk out to start with he did a great job of working the ridge and got back up proving it was doable. Chrissy was next off and did pretty much the same which encouraged the rest to get going but by then Bill already had nearly an hour up there.
The Flag gets to see another site

Peachy joined the fun followed byMark, Michel, Phil, Mike, Simon and last but not least Martin.  Some went up and some went down but everyone had a ball and it is fair to say no one went in a bush although one went through one!  Kaz headed down and brought up the first group and by the time I got back to the top they were back in the air with only Peachy and Bill left , even Kaz was up there as Bill after his morning epic kindly offered to give it amiss and drive the car.

Bill gets set to start the trips flying

next thing his up and away

Peachy was soon gone up and away into what was now a very lift sky trying to catch Kaz just short of cloud base.  One by one the rest took off with conditions now making launches easy in reverse.  Everyone went up and pretty much stayed up for as long as they wanted. With Chrissy deciding to take time out i got a chance to join in the fun and share the air.  The new boys had a ball with Phil, Simon, and martin all getting in cracking thermalling and all smashing previous height gains  by about a thousand plus feet.  Mike C excelled himself as did Mark W both having flown very little (if at all) since last year you will have to ask Mike how good it was :)

Phil looks mean (nervous) as his turn await

Late afternoon/ early evening finally saw us burning off height to get down and it was a field full of happy faces to say the least. It two cars of very happy bunnies that headed back to Algo and guess where we went eat?? and mor challenging guess what Bill had to eat??

 Classic El Bosque from the landing field

Martin pretty pleased with himself after a cracking flight and some extra from the village people in the background

Quote of the day"if you are going to buy a Russian bride by a good one (Dad)"

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