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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Up and Down and Round and Round - Algodonales day 6

Mark flies the cirrus off a breezy Poniette launch

Light winds forecast and blue skies so the guys headed up the main hill whislt Mike and myself took a trip to Villamartin for a check up on his foot. By the time we exited a very efficient spanish health service with confirmation that Mikes foot was bruised but not broken the guys had moved from the main launch to the Poniette launch where the wind was more on although a little on the breezy side despite the forecast.

Michel and Mark gave it a shot along with a number of pilots from the other groups but the lift was not great and the breeze giving only bouncy ridge lift. They both made safe trips to the noticeboard field where Mike and myself joined up with them before those left on the hill came down in the other vehicles. With the wind freshening we headed home dropping off some kit and bodies then heading back out for the annual visit to Zahara.

 Peachy steps it out on the Big Boys toys

Not to sure what Simon was up to ??

After a short session on the adult toys and Martin having to pulled off from them we set off up the hill. Martin, Peachy, Phil and myself were led on a route march to the top by a highly energetic Simon which left us all gasping on arrival. The views were just as good as ever and whilst the boys sat on the parapets I coward well away from the vertical drops.

Nice view from the top of Zahara

As hoped a glider finally appeared off the SW launch and when we saw a few more we decided to head back up checking out the landing field (bar lady) on the way. Whilst still windy enough in the landing zone we opted to go up leaving Kaz there to let us know conditions . At launch things were good and after a report from kaz that things were mellowing the guys decided to fly. Whilst not epic it was fun flight for most and everyone had good landings with Martin being very pleased with his both nicely tippy toed and in the notice board field. Simon put in another small XC but still a long way short of Dredgies record.

Nice set up for the notice board field at the end of the day

Back in Algo the guys went out to eat in various establishments and by the time Kaz and myself returned from seeing some friends there was a pretty well lubricated group on the terrace with a very vocal Phil using his best Spanish to quieten down the dogs, no chance............

Quote of the day “shutupio u dogio” 

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