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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

At least it's not snowing!

Mark W gets it right as we go tethering

Nice and level Mark "relaxes" into his flying

Is it a smile or a grimace?

Richard R gets ready to fulfill an ambition

First flight ever on a Hang Glider Richard looks good

A combination of concentration and fun

Well whilst we may be having some tough weather it's not as bad as up north. We managed to find a slot to get out to the hill with the hangies for some tethering at Perranporth. Mark W (Scotland) and Richard R (Grimsby both thought it was almost summer compared to whats going on in there "home" towns.
We had a great afternoon flying the guys on tethers in the brisk westerly breeze giving them plenty of airtime each. mark's previous few days showed well and he continues to get more relaxed and fly with the glider rather than fight against it. by the end of the day he was doing base bar conversion and looking sweet.
For Richard it was his first ever go on a Hang Glider, in fact the first time he had ever seen one despite wanting to do it since he was nine and having spent a week at a school up north! he did extremely well looking very relaxed and quickly getting the feel of the wing despite the bouncy conditions, the smile on his face said it all.
Thanks to the guys on the tethers who all did a great job, thanks to Cathy (Richards other half) for the coffee and thanks to Richards brother for the unique camper van!
Quote of the day " you have just let me realise a life long ambition", can't ask for more than that.

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