Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.

You can scroll back through the
Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.

You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.

Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Algodonales Day 15 End of Play

With Bill , Chrissy and Mike on an early flight they were up early for breakfast, on the other hand it may have been because Bill wanted to eat as many Golden Grahams as he could, the thought of leaving them behind was just too much for him!

They got away smack on time leaving things a little quieter and with the weather having broken the rest of us took it easy packing our kit.  Heading to Malaga we took a detour into Olvera where we had a super bite of lunch and Michel mixed up hairdressing with being sterilized, not a mistake you would want to make!

Arriving in Malaga with plenty of time to spare we made the usual trip to the beach for coffee and chilled before heading to the airport.  There were some pretty stunning but scary clouds around and once on the plane we made sure our seat belts were tight enough.  As it turned out it was pretty uneventful and we all arrived at Gatwick in one piece.

So ended Algodonales Paragliding 2011 trip and yet another good one. We had plenty of flying from ridge soaring through evening floating to super thermalling.  Everyone had a good time (well at least seemed to) and no one abused themselves (not that we noticed) and most achieved far more than they thought they would.

Thanks to all who came for both your company and your custom and it was great to meet and fly with some new faces who joined the "regulars".  Next years trip is already booking up so make sure you get in early if you would like to join us.  Adios ...................

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