Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.

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Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.

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Thursday, June 09, 2011

Power Play and Tandem Training

It was a nice relaxed day with a bit of paperwork in the morning followed by a trip to the tow field with Graham A (Torrington) to try out his "new" Booster HG power unit. Graham did well converting to prone power flying having previously had a Doodle Bug and enjoyed a lovely flight around the field convincing him it is the way to go so adding it to his Paragliding and Hang Gliding skills. Unfortunately a technical hic cup stopped play early but what was needed to be done was done so not too disappointing.

Then a bit more paperwork was followed by a trip to Perranporth where the guys were now flying Paragliders. Alison (Illogan) came along for a Tandem flight had a very pleasant time floating along the cliffs enjoying the evening sunshine and view on the Paraglider.

Finally it was time to start Steve D's (Camelford) Tandem pilot training so after a couple of flights as passenger he got into the "drivers seat" and had a go at ground handling with me as a passenger. Conditions were ideal to play and whilst the lift dropped to a level not quite good enough to tempt us off Steve got plenty of practice at inflating and deflating the wing. I look forward to the next time out........

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