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Monday, May 16, 2011

Michels Monday Morning

Another Happy Hanger as Michel adds Hang Gliding to his qualifications - Well done

What a relaxed morning it was at Perranporth where Michel turned up to finish off his Hill conversion on the Hangy before having to go and launch boats as the tide came in, ideal.

Conditions were smack on and even a bit light as Michel rigged so i popped in a flight on the Paraglider to keep out of the way. By the time i landed and Michel had rigged the breeze picked up so after a quick demo Michel was off, up and away to play. he had a great time with no one else there just playing around and trying things out including some nice 360's. next came the landing and his previous days experience came into play resulting in a good one after a couple of test approaches. That's it he's qualified so now no longer needs to fly his Paraglider when it's too windy all we need to do is find him the right hanger, well done.

Conditions look like getting a bit lighter over the next few days but hopefully there will be enough breeze left for Tony t who is finally making a visit to finish off his hill flights on a hangy tomorrow, we shall see.

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