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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Slalomn and straight liners

That's a sight I never thought I'd see !

Adi joins the "bun in the oven " club Adi gets going as he moves well into his EPC

Kev straight and level on the "running" tethers

You looking at me - Gray the winch making their lives easy

Amazingly the forecast was correct almost to the exact timing and it made for a lovely day in the tow field where we had a mixture of hangies and paras. The morning was taken up with Kev S (Yeovil) and Michel K (Falmouth), yes that Michel, being introduced to Hang Gliding. They both did really well and despite very light winds quickly got the hang of running with the wing and basic ground work.

Midday saw the arrival of Adi C (Illogan) who practiced his ground handling on the Paraglider whilst the "boys" finished of the basics of hanging. With conditions becoming near perfect we got the winch running and after a couple of demo flights we set the hangy off using the tram lines which made life a lot easier and proved a real success ( thanks to the devlopment team Paul H, Steve H and Graham M) .

After a few flights each both Kev and Michel were of the tethers and flying free, whilst Kev could keep a straight course Michel proved he could turn a hangy by doing a good impression of a Slalomn racer but in fairness never looked totally out of control, just a bit behind it!
Whilst the guys put in their flights Adi got going on the Paraglider and moved through his remaining EPC tasks in good style over 10 flights and ending up with good 180 degree turns so is pretty much ready to go to the top.

By the end of play the hangies were looking pretty sweet and pleased with their progress so big smiles all round.
Got some vdeo clips which will try and sort of the hangies including Michel on Slalomn!

1 comment :

Shaun said...

Buggers me Graham you'll have to do a midwiffery course soon with all these buns in ovens! Would that make you a para medic...