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Monday, February 01, 2010

The Frostbite - Day One

Pilot briefing, good looking sky and even the flag looks happy

Bill N helps out as Al J checks his wing

Spot the glider as things get going

Tim thermals up and away as we drift over the back

Well it certainly stood up to it's name! With a fresh Northerly St Agnes was call ed for the Hangies and by midday there was a good number of them there, between 15 and 20. The furthest afield came from Sheffield although other long distance travellers included Birmingham and Brighton! A good mixture of pilot abilities and glider types saw everything from intermediates through to no less than 3 rigids.

No ridge race as it was St Agnes so we went for a simple spot landing based on 500 pts with 20 pt deduction for every pace away and normal "landing rules" and an open XC with the best distance taking 1000pts. This gave a nice handicapping system with the lower performance wings getting the spot easier whilst the higher ones having the advantage on XC.

Things got going quickly and soon the first spot landings were being scored and not long after that the first XC's were under way. The rigids made it look easy with Paul h flying out to and around "the rock" at 1400 ato before flying back to the A30 and very nearly back to take off!

Best spot of the day was Tim Jones at 480 pts and best XC was Graham May at 19.96 K so making him comp leader on 1000pts with Pat P close behind (just 160 meters actually).

A good social evening in Trickies followed resulting in Pete A having to be tied up to avoid damaging one of the scoring officials.

Big thanks to Fiona A, Graham A, Bill N and Kaz for scoring the spot and helping out in the chilly conditions.

Quote of the day "I could have held it if I had wanted to"! Heard that one before..........

1 comment :

connie said...

Frost bite Saturday 30th Jan 2010. Thank's for a great weekend, well worth the journey from Leicester. Nice crowd great company, many thank's to all the organisers. Conrad