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Thursday, September 10, 2009

A very sociable day at the sea side

Loads of lift and Steve J has the sky to himself

Steve cruises the ridge with a super view of St Ives bay

Carbis Bay was the venue and with a good forecast we hoped for plenty of flying. As it turned out things were a bit more blustery than forecast making the take offs interesting.

Still there was a good crowd there with 5 hangers, 4 danglers and a couple of interested parties so we whiled away the time with stories and jokes whilst the wind blew. Luke h managed to get in some tethering on the Mars to give him his first taste of the hill and i kept on testing conditions on a hanger to see what it was like.

By 16.00 it was a bit better so Steve J decided to give it a shot and had a fun take off into the wall of lift before climbing out in steady lift. he had a fab' hours flying playing with the glider and despite the wind increasing to 25 knots showed that the Sport 2's can really get around. His top landing was spot on and his smile said it all. With the wind still top ending we called it a day and returned home with plenty of sun and wind burn to our credit.

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