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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Tasty day at Perran

What a cracking day it was for Hangers at Perranporth. Rod P from Newquay was along for a Taster on a Hanger and it wasn't long before he was getting his first experience of free flight. In near perfect conditions he got in some super tethering on the top where there was just the right amount of lift for him to "soar" his way to the front. By mid afternoon there were several other hangers in the air including Kev W from Bristol who had come down to test fly the T2 144 and was suitably impressed and Tim J who was trying out a Talon 150 for size and also looked pretty pleased with it. Rod took full advantage of the conditions with a Tandem flight in the afternoon and had a go at flying the glider up and down the cliffs at 300'. All in all a very nice day with plenty going on and lots of fun to be had.

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