Did it rain whilst we were away ? Judging by the amount for water in the buckets and in the electrics of the winch I think it did. Still it was not long before all was dried out and ready to roll.
Trevor E (Cullumpton) was along to have a go at Hang Gliding and after a delayed day yesterday we were up for making the most of today. Whilst Kaz got to grips with cutting the grass at home Trevor and myself headed to the field and got on with the basics in what turned out to be ideal conditions. A nice green field, a steady breeze, 16 degrees C and no one else about a bit different from the last two weeks then! but great for learning in.
Trevor gets rigging
Kaz's view
By lunchtime we were sorted and Kaz duly arrived with sandwiches and coffee perfect timing. A demo' flight then it was Trevor's turn. A bit of "moon walking" soon turned into low hops with Trevor becoming not only more confident but also more competent with each flight. After 8 flights both Trevor and myself were "full up" so we had a leisurely de rig before heading home for tea and paperwork.
A well tired Trevor de rigs in one piece
Well not a bad way to get back into the UK and hopefully we will get a few more days like it over the next few weeks before we head off for a "proper" holiday.
Quote of the day "does it not have voice recognition?" ... guess who is a software analyst then.
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