Pilots unloaded and cars got loaded and then we were off to pick up a "spare" wing for Colin then via the fountain for water then off up the hill.
At the top the wind was east, well east but with a forecast for it to veer and get lighter there was no panic. A few took off and proved it un sharable and with the wind so far off not even possible to make it to the landing field, we waited. A session of catapult shooting took place with Carl as the target but he was just to quick for us. Julie got her camera out but we are not sure who it was for the boys or the girls you decide.
The wind started to move on and a few more took off with some staying up and some going down, we shuffled. More improvement and the guys got their kit ready with Peachy heading up the team in a positive mood. Light lift and thermals and a sky god launched to float about and thermal close to the ridge, oh that will be a spin then. I get the binoculars out whilst Carl legs it into the bushes. All is ok just a cut or two and carl returns hot and sweaty after dealing with the canopy and the pilots wife in a bush ........
the fun begins
Peachy looks not so keen but togs up again and legs it off with another good launch. Martin follows Peachy and totally ignores the large area of lift before heading towards the landing field area where he finds some more to enjoy a super flight practicing thermalling in the quieter air, nice. Carl and Ollie get out there having their own mini comp' and both do well although I think Ollie took the top spot.
Ollie at full chat
they are out there somewhere
With the car full and ready to roll Simon takes off in the knowledge that it could be a long wait and flies out slowly sinking.
Julie, Colin and Michel, "I need more wind", wait as things get flicky on the hill and the guys land one by one. Some are going off the side launch and some off the main then the wind blows over the back! Thats's it with car two heading back up we bundle and trundle to the west launch where the wind well off to the to the north, hmmmmmm. Car two checks out the north launch where some are launching but going straight down.
Simon pops up and climbs away
Simon pops up having found some super lift and reports from the air that pilots are now launching again from the south, we head back. Yep it's back on how bizarre, Colin is off like a rat up a drain pipe with the others not far behind including Michel in lighter wind than before. Simon is landing after a couple of hours wanting a drink as we glide out. Peachy drives so I can fly but it is a nice gentle one down being chased by Ollie all the way, still good to get my feet off the ground after a long hot day.
Round two ready to go
Beer and dancing in the landing field can't be a bad day then. Kaz and myself go out for a romantic meal in the square and I pop a cork in my pocket, whilst some stay in and some stay out. Looks like a change of site tomorrow :)
Fun boy 3
Quote of the day "You like"
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