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Saturday, October 18, 2014

Algo 2014 Day 11 - Afternoon delight

Peachy's view of a day in Algo'

Martin checks out the washing and somebodies smalls ....

Day started early...   Flying for me.. early "preflighter"...then back to bed.. important to get it the right way round...
Talk of ja ja binks, launch totty, town totty, goats and their udders...

Yep enough said

in your dreams ....

Colin returned with a barrow of bread while Kaz played with a buzzing instrument in the ladies bathroom...don't ask...
Simon joined us at the breakfast table after two days sitting on the dunnie.. the team was again whole.. off to the hill after the frikkin sandwich prep....zzzz
Two more " preflighters"..third just wind..feeling more confident....why are bathrooms so echoey?
Sandwiches made. .colins would feed an African family for a week... must have hollow legs.
We headed up the hill..Julie unfortunately feeling squiffy stayed in bed.

Simon with a boys one .....

Colin with a mans one

Phippsy starts another day at the office

Strong wind on the hill.. out of faze wave...or a combination of nervous farts.. who knows...we waited. ..

Hill candy .......

then there is Carl

Back for round two

Looking better we flew... prolonged top to bottom we returned for a second flight into convergence over the landing field Michel joined the melee first, peachy launched but chickened out only to watch simon, Martin, Michel and carl circle over the field for the next 2 hours...like a paragliding washing machine...epic sight.

getting going

Heading for the washing machine

Sharing the air with Martin and Michel

from the landing field

Martin finally comes down

Kaz went to swim in the lake coming back lemon fresh to the digs where we all sat in a sweaty heap...carl reviewed near misses and Martin dried his sweaty suit....
What a day....roasting. ..

Michel as enthusiastic as ever ;))

end of a lovely day

Quote of the day "All of you out there I ................."

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