For a change of scenery we headed to Sennen Cove as the front cleared just after lunch. On arrival it was pretty much smack on and moderate so i quickly tested the air on Kaz's Hangy before getting Tony T (Brighton) ready to go to hopefully complete his hill conversion.
Alas the wind eased and backed making it not so lifty confirmed by a couple more test flights showing much less lift, Tony waited.
Meanwhile Nigel W popped in some useful time on his Paraglider soaring the Pill box end where the pest lift was. With the tide on the make we decided to send Tony off anyway whilst there was a good bottom landing to at least get one in. He did a good job but not quite good enough as he floated to the beach for a good landing after a few beats.
Whilst Nigel and Kaz floated about on their Paragliders we nipped down and had both Tony and glider back on top quickly in case things improved.
As Tony re rigged I took the Delta up and found improving conditions allowing us to fly to Gwenver easily a trip that both Kaz and Nigel made for the first time with big smiles. Adi C arrived having finished work also hoping to complete his hill conversion on his Paraglider and got sorted.
Then it all came together, Adi was off first in classic Paragliding conditions making a first class job of his two soaring flights and having a ball as the sun came out and the clouds puffed up. Two excellent top landing later and he is signed off so watch out for him on the hill, he's a lovely chap.
No sooner than Adi landed than the wind began to pick up a little more and with the tide now on the turn Tony T was back on launch. A much more relaxed take off followed by some more relaxed flying saw him soaring Sennen. He took a little time to get fully sorted but was after about 10 minutes was doing nicely and looking smooth. A good top landing and big grin later and he was ready to go again.
By now Kaz was also in the air on her hangy and having fun cruising between launch and Gwenver at will. Tony found breezier conditions and more lift and this time was off and settled much more quickly. He had and i quote " the best flight of his life" and he has flown a few things over the years before putting in a first class landing on top to complete his hill conversion and qualification, it was 20 to 9!
As it turned out a great afternoon although for a while we did not think it would happen for the guys. Well done to Adi and Tony and good luck in your flying for the future. Also good to see just how excited both Nigel and Kaz were with their flying as they move deeper into theirs.
looks like time to start some more students as we are running out !!!
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