It was a fun day with both tow and hill work getting sorted to keep everyone happy!
We started in the field where Matt and Charis (Essex) were along for a taster day on the hangy whilst down on holiday in St Ives. In super conditions they both were a pleasure to teach as they worked through the ground based activities with looks of wonder as the glider tried to lift them off the ground.
Early afternoon saw them onto the winch and under Daisy's steady hand they got their first flight in. despite the now slightly bumpier conditions they both did really well showing good glider control in both pitch and roll and even landing on their feet every time. Matt rounded off his day with a couple of untethered flights getting a little higher and realising a dream that he has had for some time.
With news from Kax (on "staff training" at Chapel) that things were good for soaring Paragliders it was off to Perranporth for the evening where we met up with Adi C (Iloogan) and Chris B (Plymouth) for some hill conversions on their Paragliders. After a demo flight by Kaz Adi was next off and performed a lovely take off on his new Mojo 3 and was soon soaring the ridge alongside Bill N who had come over from Chapel to see the fun! A good top landing was followed by a less good deflation and then by a huge smile as Adi also realized something that had long been a dream to him as well.
Not to be outdone Chris followed suit and made a cracking first soaring flight with the whole ridge to himself enjoying both the experience and the views. Chris did an almost copy cat top landing and had a smile just as big.
Both guys then popped in a final flight as the wind eased and the sun set and both top landed to round off a super evening although a little more work on collapsing canopies won't come amiss.
Well done to everyone and lets hope we can get out for their second days soon :)
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