Despite a dubious forecast and my senses telling me otherwise we headed off to Struddock thanks to call from site from Chris W advising that it was nicely flyable.
At Bodmin the rain cleared and on arrival it was indeed peachy for hangers so we wasted no time in rigging the Tandem whilst Trev H who was along for his hill conversion completion rigged his wing.
By the time we were ready and on the front with Suzy who was up for a flight on her birthday Chris W landed and further advised rain was on its way! Still it looked like brightening up so we hung on and 10 minutes later things were looking better.
Suzy had a cracking flight in classic conditions loving every minute of it and soaking up the whole experience. With lots of lift we could play as much as we wanted and shared the air with Alan H and Bill A (local legends) who kept a close eye on us thinking we were a low airtimer in trouble! After a super landing as the rain re appeared we had a short break before it cleared then it was Trev's turn to show us what he could do.
Trev did a cracking launch in conditions that he had not experienced before and had a cracking flight to go with it. With bulk hieght he was soon 360'ing and playing with turns looking every bit a pilot in control. Top landing was as good as the take off and the smile said it all.
Whilst Trev recovered Karen (Trevs partner) clipped into the Tandem. Despite her nerves she proved a model passenger and we had a lovely time cruising the cliffs. Starting off smoothly we built up to some fun flying as Karen relaxed a little and by the end of the flight i think she was almost enjoying it! Back on the ground her face was a picture as a mixture of adrenalin and relief flooded out, fantastic.
To round the day off Trev popped in a second flight looking even neater and smoother than the first. The lift was just as good although the clouds were a little lower giving Trev his first visit to cloudbase and beyond.
A top day as it turned out and the last of the pending hangy hill conversions out the way (8 in the last week or so) so time to teach some more :)
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