Sorry about the wrong date on yesterdays blog, all sorted now. With a light NW forecast again we decided to try our luck up Lijar for the morning with the option of Ronda or Teba for later in the day.
On arrival at the top the wind was already swinging and on the SW launch. The guys wasted no time and soon we slipped Dave L in amongst the french and he was off up and away showing the whole hill how to thermal. Bill was not far behind and headed straight out to some circling vultures before circling up himself. Steve and Sam quickly followed although Sam did stay for a bit of Morris dancing before leaving the ground.
By the time we were ready with Nigel, Jackie and Ray things were not looking so hot with the wind going further to the west. Nigel went for it and did a good job but the lift had gone and he headed straight for the landing field which convinced us it was time to move.
By the time we got down the mountain there was a pretty happy bunch of pilots under the shade of the trees so after a spot of lunch it was off to Ronda La V. Our timing was pretty good and with gliders in the air on arrival it was not long before the team joined them for a mixture of thermals and ridge lift. It was a bit boisterous to start with but as the evening approached things got better and Jackie got the chance for her second soaring flight. She did a great job mixing it with the various nationalities before popping in for her second top landing and doing it to perfection. As Ray launched the skies cleared and within a minute or two he had the ridge to himself, do they know him that well?? After a pleasant flight in the setting sun Ray headed out and down to bottom land where ever watchful Steve was ready for him.
Peachy kept us company and whilst hoping the breeze would take some of the fishy smell away which it did.
Driving back by the light of the moon were two cars full of tired out pilots. Evening meal was a stay in affair courtesy largely of super chef Steve M with a few able assistants and a few less able ones. Review of the days flying saw a late retirement to bed at around midnight. Looks like more of the same tomorrow.
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