Well it was for some and it was still a cracker for all, well except for Kaz as she now has the full blown version of Phippsy's lurgy.
We headed to Montellano for a change and also as it was a NE forecast. The wind was very light when we arrived so after doing the obligatory site introductions we settled down for a spot of sunbathing. By late morning things began to move a little so team Cloud 9 made an impressive sight as myself followed by Barry, Steve and Bill mad first class forward launches to test the air. It was starting to work but not quite enough to stay up. Pilots got twitchy as gliders could be seen on Lijar and questions were asked about switching sites.
A few more gliders took off a few stayed up briefly but most went down. The other groups cracked and headed off Lijar, we stayed. No sooner had they left than the wind filled the thermals came and flying began in earnest. It turned into a cracking afternoon and even better evening with the classic Hot Chocolate conditions switching on for the last hour or two. The guys flew their socks off with Mark F taking the endurance record at 4hours 12 minutes and several others around the 3 hour mark.
Chris and Barry upgraded their best ever flights to today's and looked like they had a good time. The "early" landers nipped home in one car leaving those in the air to fly till dusk arriving home well after dark. The house was very quiet by 10.00 !
Could well be back on Lijar tomorrow
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