Yet another NW forecast so we hoped to mimic yesterdays success but as it turned out it was even better!
Arriving on Lijar it was evident the breeze was already to the North west so we headed to the west launch where we were pretty much first on site. The guys got rigged an Kaz headed down to the landing field to act as guide for Jackie and Ray.
By the time we were ready it was already getting thermic so the guys wasted no time in getting up there. Soon the sky was full of team Cloud 9 pilots thermalling away with varying success. Everyone got off with good launches using a mixture of forward and reverse launches as they fancied.
Ray set off doing really well before getting radio failure (flat battery) where upon Bill N circled down to him and the two flew together with Bill acting as pathfinder, nice one.
Jackie was star of the flight having been delayed at take off by pulling her parachute out meaning things were a bit more lively by the time she launched. With a little guidance she was soon circling up with the rest topping out at over 1000' above take off and pretty much above everyone else! She had a wicked time playing with the thermals before heading off to the "cafe" field where Kaz was ready to help her land.
The rest of the gang floated off when they had had enough and as the lift got even stronger and the clouds built.
Lunch in the landing field and a group decision saw us decide on Ronda for the afternoon so off we set. On arrival no one was flying but a Hanger did launch as soon as we disembarked. It looked breezy enough so I decided to test the air and within 10 minutes was at 1500' and climbing well as i pushed well upwind. They guys took a little longer to get going but pretty soon they were up and away in nice thermic conditions.
The lift was up and down with Bill N and Steve M taking the height gains before a strong sink cycle saw a few down and the rest scratching. The guys did well to hang in and soon they were back above the top and into thermal mode again.
Having flown ourselves out we headed home early (for us) for a early night. looks like NE tomorrow, Montelliano ??
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