Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Picture says a thousand words

Ok brief resume as let the pictures tell the story....

Up at 06.00, update on task briefing, yikes..... Off up hill at 07.00, onto at 08.00  take off from then on...  Lee was first off from the Kernow lads followed by a steady stream at 10 minute intervals.  Everyone did well  with some more exciting then others (mike c springs to mind) but in fairness some radio problems did not help, or as jockey said was it clotted cream in the ears ???  The flight consisted of B line stalls, frontal collapses, dynamic frontals, accelerated frontals, BIG BIG Ears and finishing off with wing overs.  Lee was noticeable with his Moon overs which will be added to the next course!

A good looking bit but you did not see the bit before

Ok this was the bit before

followed by this

and this

and finally this

So with the first flight out the way we debriefed and had a break whilst we waited for the weather to become suitable for "manoeuvres", something to do with the parachute pulling you under the water!

a "well behaved" B line stall

and a BIG BIG Ears (they can get exciting)

The second flights started with a super glide out seeing all of us well high when arriving in the area,
. we then went into the Asymmetric tasks in simalar format to the frontals ending with but including a 360 asymmetric before moving onto stall searching and once again the wing overs.  Yep you guessed it some were more exciting than others .......

Final debrief then off for supper and a wind down (or was it a wind up) before heading to bed ready for another early start,,

even the meal seemed ablur just like the rest of the day

What, Who ??

Note to ones self, let go of the A risers after initiating a frontal collapse

Quote of the day  "la la la, la la la"

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