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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Algodonales 2011 Day 7 Early Birds

 Simon rigs the kit
 Bill complete with landing field windsock gets set
 Andy concentrates on his launch
 Mike floats up and away
 Oldest Swinger in Town (and Mark)
An Ant with attitude

The forecast was increasing winds and it to be blown out by mid day so we made an early start and were up Lijar by 9.30. The guys cracked on and in nice smooth conditions Bill led the way off the SW launch and showed that even at that time of the day there was some lift around.  Everyone enjoyed a fun fligyht down with some finding bits of lift as they flew out and around the gulley.

A swift turn around soon saw them all back at launch and with the weather holding off time for another go.  This time the lift had kicked in and the advice was not to get too high and keep an eye out for increasing wind then to get down.  Everyone got away cleanly with no vistors to Jackies bush..  Mike soon found himself going up alittle more than he wished to and employed Big Ears and speedbar which after a sustained effort saw him finally descending.

One by one everyone landed as the wind picked up with everyone in the main field except Mike who made his first mini XC mainly backwards.

Back to the house for lunch and by 14.00hrs it was blowing .  The afternoon was filled with a visit ti Zahara, the obligatory vist up the castle and playing with the exploding seed pods which gsve Andy and myself a full facial.

Evening meal in the posh restaraunt, a bit of a wild night in JJ's where Bill high on 1.5 litres of Agua kept the whole bar entertained with his antics.  It was abit late back but with tomorrows forecast we were not too worried.

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