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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Algo 2011 day one Frosty to Toasty

The guys set up on the west launch for an evening flight
 Graham K his catalouge pose
 Off and away into the sunset
 Simon M forward inflates in fine style

Simon gets away

We left the UK with the cars covered in frost and arrived in Spain  to blue skies and the tempeture rising all day and the sweat running!  At Malaga airport Kaz, Barry H, Graham K and myself met up with Andy S, Mark W and Simon who had flown out on seperate flights before picking up the hire cars, which went remarkably simply for a change, and heading to Algo'.

The customary supermarket shop for stocking up and we were off again arriving at Algo mid afternoon.  Accomodation sorting, brief chilling out then it was off up the hill for those that wanted to pop in an evening flight.  Checking out the landing fileds on the way it was plain there was enough wind at the lower levels.

Take off was a different story with the wind much lighter.  Still the guys got sorted and all were soon off and away for for a top to bottom some quicker than others as the lift dropped off.  Graham A was in the notice board field whilst Simon, Mark and Andy all opted for the "Cafe" field.

Back to town for a freshen up then off to JJ's where we met up with the rear guard party of Bill N, Christiana S and Mike C who had just arrived along with various talesof their journey (Bills getting old).

Fun evening nice food and good to see some old friends then off for an early night.  Lets see what tomorrow brings........................ Photos to follow  hopfully

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