With the NE wind still persisting it was another day at Carbis Bay where it was smack on and ideal for Paras when we arrived. Shaun W and Paul W were ready to go just as the wind filled in with Shaun taking the lead. His 3rd soaring flight was another cracker with plenty of lift around and plenty of other pilots to dodge. Paul soon joined him and they both completed their hill conversion flights and were duly pleased with themselves.
It was good to see them join in with the other pilots and fly unsupervised for the first time and even to get the chance to fly with them. As a celebration of their "hatching" we had a small ceremony with involving Kinder eggs and alcohol.
Smooth Bob H all made a long overdue appearance and put in a couple of soaring flights doing a good job and hopefully one more day should see him sorted.
As the wind filled in the Paras landed and it was time for the hangers to get going. A quick demo flight an it was Sam A's turn on the Calypso. He did a first class take off and had a super flight settling in nicely and looking very smooth. An excellent top landing followed and the Sam smile.
Whilst Sam took a break, Rekah S got in the air followed by Kaz and the two girls had a great time with the air to themselves. Sam went for his second launch but an overenthusiastic trimming in saw him heading for the fence which was followed by an over enthusiastic flair which saw him heading skywards then ground wards. Sam was fine but the Calypso will now be retired from active service. Can you get worms from eating earth????
Nice to see Big Al out on his Hanger and thank you to Gay for the use of her glider.
Goodness me Graham! You seem to have horns growing out of your head in the hatching foto! The camera never lies.....
Damn, you've noticed. Still, kind of cute though.....
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