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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hanging around

It was a pleasantly busy day in the tow field with two taster day hangers and two day 3 hangers making use of the conditions.

Richard G (Launceston) and Pete D (Gwennap) worked hard through the morning getting their ground work out the way and by lunchtime were getting it sorted. With the tethers laid out it was not long before they got on the tow line and despite a few nervous first hops they both made good progress through the afternoon improving with each flight and even starting to relax!

In amongst their tows Kev S (Yeovil) and Michel K (Falmouth) cracked on with their EPC flights now on the Mars and both did really well putting in nice straight and level non release flights so setting them up for the release stage.

Rain stopped play early so they never got the releases in but next time they are ready to go. The taster boys did well and should be proud of themselves having gone from zero to flying in 7 hours. Thanks for helping to pack up guys and thanks to Cpt Kev on the winch.

We had a nice sociable evening with the guys on the coaching course down in the Portreath Arms all of whom seem to be enjoying the course.

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