It was a challenging day in the tow field with a lot of Wave influence around making the wind shift from a smooth NE to a bouncy East every hour or so. In fact we moved the winch four times before we even started towing! Still we made the most of it and kept the guys and gals safely on the ground work until things settled down late afternoon / evening.
Jackie W (Crantock) was along for her first day of an EPC on the Paraglider and did really well working hard at the ground work through the day and being rewarded with two almost perfect flights across the field as the wind settled, she was all set up for her third when it switched 180 degrees but by then it was almost dark!
Bob H (Okehampton) cam back after his taster day to start his EPC course and did amazingly well on the groundwork dealing with the variable wind and improving throughout the day. He popped in 3 flights before the wind gave up and by the last his take offs had improved and he was looking pretty good.
Tim C (Falmouth) was on the second day of a 2 day taster and did well showing real signs of improvement through the day. His flying was really neat with smooth take offs and flying, landings were also good so big smiles from Tim.
Ian and Ed B (Newton Abbot) were along to continue their CPC's and both put in 3 flights but also did wonders for their ground handling along with some good theory session. Hopefully another good day should see them finish their flying tasks.
A tough day with not as much flying as we hoped for but you can't win them all and lots of that essential ground handling was sorted.
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