A tricky day in the tow field and despite a solid forecast the wind was on the move all day. We must have moved a total of 6 times through the day which kept us fit although did take up a bit of time. Still things got done and progress was made.
Dave K (Bristol) got to serious grips with his tow training on the Hang Glider and was looking pretty good by the end of the day putting in release flights turns and even finding his legs!
Said Z was back after a long break and quickly got back into high flights and moved onto the Calypso whilst practising his spot landings.
Bob H moved deep into his CPC on the Paraglider with some super flights under the weak convergence that hung over the field giving some nice lifty bits whilst switching the wind direction around.
Karen M (Bristol) had her first taste of Paragliding and worked hard but was rewarded with 4 lovely flights the last of which was a release one, excellent take offs and landings to boot.
Martin S (Rosesudgeon) got back into the air with some warm up tows before having a couple of nice flights on his paramotor so building his confidence nicely.
Rodney G put in some ground work with a Paramotor on his back as he waits to move into powered flight and found the difference.
Pete L was also along for a bit of fun flying on his Paramotor and inadvertently visited the inside of the convergence cloud!