It was a bit grey and gusty when we arrived at the field so we decided to do a bit of theory before we got going to see what happened. By the time we had worked through EPC the remains of the front had passed and it was looking better. A quick test flight to the top showed it was pretty rough up top so we amused ourselves with some sub 100' flights.
Lanky Al M (Bristol) was back after his 2 1/2 year "break" and made use of the lines to get his hand back in doing some take offs and landings. Andrew M (Bridport) also kept low whilst getting converted to the chest release so keeping things safe.
By the time these guys wre sorted and we had a bite of lunch things had improved and after another check flight itwas all go.
Ashley R (Plymouth) got airborne on his powered Hang Glider doing two of the nicest take offs I have seen followed by lovely flights and excellent landings to gain more powred experience.
Al, Andrew and Luke all put in plenty of high flights on the Hang glider with Andrew joining the others on the Calypso for the first time and completing his EPC & CPC flying tasks in 5 days. Pilot X put in a couple on the Mars to keep their hand in and all four of them can't wait to get out on the hills for some soaring.
Nigel and Sara (Tregaseal) put in the hard work with ground handling on the Paragliders and despite their best efforts made good progress by the end of the day with reverse launches and control starting to make sense. They both finished off with flights across the field to keep them current as they progress towards EPC.
Lukes partner "Nat" came up for a flight on the Tandem to see what Luke keeps talking about and despite her nerves had a good time after she opened her eyes.
A nice day and better than we expected when we arrived.
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