The weather got it's act back together making it a very pleasant day in the tow field.
Visitor Geoff H had a very nice flight on his Paramotor first thing enjoying a super flight up and down the coast before helping out on the bike for a large part of the day, thanks Geoff.
The hangers cracked on with lots of progress into CPC's for Saied and Jerry whilst Mike packed in the tows to bulk up experience for the hill. By the end of the day he had put away 21 of them and his 360's were looking sweet.
Saied moved well into his CPC with base bar and prone conversions along with 180 turns and spot landings over his 8 flights making him a very happy guy.
Jerry W made huge progress moving onto the Mars (4th generation) before putting in his first high flights and also getting onto the base bar. His overall flying looked good and his previous air speed gremlins have been banished!
Nigel and Sarah spent the morning ground handling a Paraglider and are now looking much better with it becoming less of a struggle and more of a game. Over lunch they put away their EPC exams both passing in fine style to gain the first part of their qualifications, well done guys.
Down the coast at Carbis the guys were having a good time on the hill with the Paragliders with plenty of flying and by the sounds of it plenty of coaching as well. nice to see Ray D drop by the field on his way home looking well pleased with himself.
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