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Monday, March 21, 2016

Blast Off

Well it comes to us all .... that Big day that you just can't avoid and for Shaun and Matt today was the day!  After there refresh day on the winch the boys were "ready" to get their power units on their backs and give it a go.

In the field it was nice as the guys set up but by the time they were ready the wind had filled against the forecast and it was a little on the gusty side so we hung fire and chewed the cud, well actually there were no cows in the field so we just chatted.  Kaz called in to let us know she was off to the hill for a fly ............ an hour or so later she called again to say she had been flying but it was dropping off, good news.

15 minutes later and things were looking a lot better.  a demo flight on Matts set up to check things out and we were ready to go.  Shaun clipped in, did his preflight checks and final brief, radio check, all clear and he was "live".   Well what can you say a super forward launch saw him powering forward and in good shape, a little more throttle and his feet left the ground.  He climbed nicely away and circled the field to keep plenty of landing options in range.  10 minutes later in he came for a nice stand up landing and a round of applause from Matt and myself.

No pressure on Matt then .........  with the wind a bit lighter it was forward launch for sure and with a nice attitude Matts Buzz Z4 Power floated up and with a bit of encouragement he squeezed the throttle and hey presto he was off.  Again he circled the field whilst trying to get into the harness but despite his best efforts he could not.  Still he had fun and after a good 10 minutes came in for a super landing  big smile and even began to talk again, excellent.

With the tension relieved we debriefed and as the sun dropped called it a day and what a good one it turned out.

Quote of the day "yeeehowwww"

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