The day for once turned out just as forecast which made life easy and just as well as we had a bit of a vehicle issue to deal with. Still a bit of going and froeing saw us in the field with all the kit we needed.
Peter F was first on site to continue his Parameter training and got straight down to getting the kit sorted with a look of determination on his face. Not long after James R arrived to crack on with his Paragliding and got a wing out and did a spot of ground handling and a fine job he did to.
Pete gets set to go
and makes a fine job of it
Peter was soon ready and after a demo' flight he was clipped in a ready to go. In nice conditions he made it all look pretty easy with a reverse launch , smooth turn around and nice run till his feet were off the ground and he was safely away, excellent for his second only flight. Even Adie thought it looked good, tempting ....... Whilst Pete buzzed around we got the winch sorted and by the time he came in for a super landing James was ready to play. As James racked up the tows and worked his way through the instability tasks Pete would give him a rest by having a flight on the parameter, ideal.
Adie checks out James's towing
James's best side ??
Adie helped out on the bike and have to showed us just why everyone says he is a Cowboy
Chris H came along and joined in on the Hang Glider having worked a morning shift and did an super job as he polished off his remaining CPC tasks including some cracking stalls. Good to see Chris really starting to enjoy the Hangy as his nerves settle, well done.
Chris just loving his new harness
So by the end of play we had James and Chris completed on their CPC flying tasks and Peter F just one flight away from his CPC on the Paramotor after some fine flying in what turned out to be very floaty conditions.
Big thanks to Adie and Kaz for keeping winch end running so smoothly, sorry you couldn't make it Steve ;(
Quote of the day " it won't come down"
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