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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fickle winds

It was back in the field for what looked like a perfect days towing but things are not always as they seem.

 Jenni S was back after her break visiting mongoose's in Uganda and all excited about seeing her new Wills Wing Sport 2 135 for the first time and she was joined by Josh L who was up for day two on the Paraglider.

New toy for Jenni

With a pleasant breeze we got things set up but just before we pulled the lines out the wind changed direction and the clouds built a little.  The next couple of hours saw the wind move around at will and the birds climb out in the abundant thermals, ideal for the experienced but  to so good for training!

all rigged and looking good

So we waited it out until finally it settled in a N to NW and we could get underway.  Jenni was soon back up on the hangy and settling in nicely whilst Josh worked his way into his EPC tasks having decided to go for it.  With conditions improving through the afternoon they both had a fine time and made good progress resulting in Jenni being ready for the hill and Josh nearly completed on his EPC tasks.

and you even get a hat!

Big Grey put in an appearance with his powered HG but the grass may be a little on the long side for that at the moment.  A long day with plenty of waiting around but at least we just moved around a field and not around half of cornwall looking for somewhere to fly!

Quotye of the day "that brings a whole new meaning to tugging off"  something to do with pull starting a booster I think .....

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