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Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Two on one Fun !

Despite a call for students on the "Whats on" page we only had one keen one but as things were already in place we went ahead anyway in the interests of getting some day one work out of the way so making life easier in the future.

Carl R (Plympton)  cam along for a go at Paragliding with a view to taking it up along with hopefully speed flying in the future.  Whilst Kaz stayed at home carl and myself got the basics out of the way in the tow field where it was just like summer.  as the morning progressed the sea breeze kicked in making life easier and a nice line of convergence set up a little further inland.

Carl ready for the first one

By the time Kaz arrived we were pretty much ready to tow and conditions were spot on, sun shines on the righteous.  Demo' flight out of the way and carl was on the line for his first flight on a Paraglider and looking suitably nervous.  No worries it was a cracker with him putting a super flight across the field and looking good all the way.

that can't be bad

Big smile after the first one

that was it he was hooked and by the time we stopped  he had put away a total of 7 flights and was well into his EPC tasks.  Whilst conditions got a bit bouncier and the seagulls climbed out over the field we gave flying amiss and played with some more ground handling to round the day off.  It's amazing just how quickly some people twig to it ;))

Playing with the wing

Hah ha

 So probably a couple of days work in one and a very happy if slightly tired Carl, hopefully we shall see him again soon as the weekend looks good.

 Quote of the day " I need a split leg"

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