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Monday, May 06, 2013

Wet sleeves and Country Cream

Vault Bay is always fickle and today was no exception!  With reports of a bit light and off to the east whilst on route we arrived to fine it on and nicely flyable BUT within 10 minutes the orographic rolled in and cloud base  dropped onto the hill seeing Gerry (the only one already up) scurry for the top landing!

 My new Delta 2 gets an airing

In anticpation Kaz's new Z4 was already out of the bag so she gave it a ground handle and loved it.   We sat and waited in the hope that it would lift but it stubbonly stuck with us. With the conversation going down hill and the Jaffa cake tasting comp' over I cracked and figured as long as I did not go to high I'd be alright so took Kaz's wing up to see what it was like.  Well the wing was superb and the lift steady and the cloudbase low!  Still with some fun flying and a bit of swooping you could stay below it and have fun.

Yep it got misty

what's the IMC rules ?

With no one else keen to have a go I finally got the chance to fly my new Delta 2 and whilst not getting the chance to fly her high I had a good hour's worth of playing up and down the front putting her through her paces.  If you are in the market for an EN C wing you gotta try this.  Predictable and precise sums it up which in my book give a lot of confidence.  Over that hour I probably learned more than I have over the past 6 months about flying paragliders with the exception of the SIV course that is :)  It was good fun and something I rarely get to do especially as when its bright and sunny there are normally others to consider.

Adie puts his coaching into practice .... or is he giving a sermon to a captive audience???

Adie put the time to good use with Ben giving a bit of ground handling coaching before the masses gave up and went home leaving Myself, Paddy and Ollie like Gorrillas in the mist.  Despite the mist conditions were good for ground handling so the guys put in an hours worth sweetening up the basics along with learning a few new tricks to keep them entertained.  The mist never did lift so we finally gave in too and planned a return early tomorrow if things work out.

more ground handling for Ollie

and Paddy joins in the

Quote of the day "Pink like a ...." I can't belive you said that Adie ... to be fair he just forgot to compplete the sentence .... allegedly

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