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Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Bit of this and a Bit of that

After a blow out yesterday on the hill we headed to the tow field on a forecast which was due to see the wind drop through the day.

Kaz on the other hand headed to the hill for some flying and to take the Delta 2 out of its bag for Michel to test fly, those of you who were there no doubt got Michels feedback and if not it's worth asking him. Needless to say another one is on order ;)

 Meanwhile back in the field Barney A (N Devon) got on with his second day on the hang Glider but this time in very much lighter winds and did some ground work with Tim whilst John R (Indian Queens) and Paddy B (Falmouth) took their EPC Pg exams as the breeze was still fresh enough for Paragliders.

 Barney looks like aman on a mission as he waits for the lines

By the time the guys were sorted the wind eased and they got the Paragliders out for some ground handling whilst Barney got his first taste of towing on the hangy.  Barney had a top time moving through ground skimming flights and quickly up to release flights and gentle turns by the end of the day.  he did a great job with the previous days experience helping out although we still have a little work to do on flying speed ...

Told you he looked like he's on a mission !

setting off for his first flight without the tethers :))

The wind soon eased further and Paddy joined in on the winch whilst John assembled the Paramotor in rediness for his first go on it.  Paddy despite his nerves finished off his CPC tasks with some excellent Asymmetric collapses and concluded they were no where near as bad as he thought, he didn't even use the spare pair of underpants that he brought with him and even Freda looked impressed.  from there on paddy could relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

John gets up on the Paramotor for his first flight ...

Kaz joined us as the wind had now dropped on the hill and brought a late lunch.  It was now Johns turn and with him clipped into the Paramotor and the wind in his face he went for it.  A super take off soon saw him up and away on his first flight making it look all to easy. He climbed away and circled the field getting used to the wing under power.  a combination of light pilot and lifty air meant that less than half throttle was more than enough to keep him going up and even on tick over it took a while to come down!  Still down he did come and after a good 10 to 15 minute flight he came into the field to make a very nice landing in light enough conditions, fantastic.

.... and keeps on going up !!

I do belive he was even more nervous than Paddy but his smile was just as BIG as he came back across the filed to a round of applause.  With the clouds gathering and the wind freshening we called it a day and what a good one it was.

Nice :)

Quote of the day " Why would you want to do that??? "

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