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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blown Away at StAgnes

After yesterdays fun at Carbis enthusiasm was high and a good gaggle returned there hoping for some more.  The early birds had some interesting flying so I hear and Wyn D and Glen F both made their first trips over the back, well done guys.  As the wind began to fill life got more exciting before it blew out for Paragliders.

Kaz and myself spent the morning digging out more tree stumps before heading to St Agnes to see what was on.  The wind was off to the east and brisk but flyable and with a good looking sky despite the cold it was too tempting.  A swift rig saw me in the air and after a bout 15 minutes up and on my way.  With the wind well off the track was along the coast to Portreath and then with a little cross winding slowly inland from North Cliffs.

A bit of sunshine makes so much difference as unlike yesterday there was lift to be found inland.  Leaving my first climb a sinky glide resulted in a scratchy zero which after about 5 k turned into a weak climb before another sinky glide saw me ready to land when on final glide to my field I stumbled into a low save which blossemed into a cracker and 3.5 to 4.5 on the averager to base at 3,200, nice.

Approaching the south coast I hung a right at Townsend and played crosswind with the clouds to Long Rock where a very inviting field by the main road saw me in.

 Have to say it was one of my nicest flights in Cornwall over an area I have not flown before and whats more it was not as cold as yesterday :))  Note to ones self, always put the go pro on , the views were amazing ...........

Quote of the day "It would be rude not to"


TheJedi05 said...

Fantastic!!! Love to do that and it must have been a blast! How long did this take Graham?

Phippsy said...

Hi and thank you, about an hour from leaving the hill and 15 minutes on the hill itself. Just look out for a cold NNE and we can try it again.

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I have really enjoyed reading through your blog.I think you have some quality content here and certainly lots of passion for hand gliding which shows in the blog.

I am looking for passionate writers to join our community of bloggers and I was wondering whether you would consider sharing your posts on Glipho and become a member?

It might be a good idea to give your writing and your blog more exposure while having fun and meeting fellow writers.

Please check us out at glipho.com and give me a shout at hubert@glipho.com for any questions.
