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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Plenty at Perran

Well plenty of lift that is and not many pilots so making our life easy and that of the students :)

With an update from Bill mid morning that it was 26 -28 on launch we waited until mid day before heading out arriving just as it mellowed a little allowing Bill and Michel to get some fun time in on the ASKA's whilst i got the Tandem ready.

Richard G (Oakhampton) was first up on the tandem and despite being a little nervous of heights had no problem once we were up and away.  In super soaring conditions we cruised the cliffs and had a good chat about flying and life in general. Richard was amazed at how easy the glider is to control and how much smoother it was once in the air, I think "fascinated" sums it up.  Back on top after a nice landing we had a good debrief chat before getting set for my next challenge.

Sam J gets set to take me up

Sam J (N. Devon) was next to carry on with his tandem rating and after a couple of flights on his own wing to get used to the site we were clipped in and ready to go with Sam as pilot.  We put in a couple of nice flights with the take offs nice and tidy, the flying smooth and the landings .......

Taking a break i popped in some ASKAing in what were now breezy conditions again and made an unceremonious arrival back on top right in front of Sam and Simon who had just turned up for a Tandem flight, not the best impression!

 Sam looked relieved when I explained it was  the hang glider we were to go Tandem up on and not the ASKA. She had been given the flight as a birthday gift from her partner Simon who has a habit of getting her unusual gifts (Trapeze lessons !). Sam had a great time and like Richard was amazed at the whole experience just soaking up the views and the feeling of flying like a bird.  I think Simon enjoyed it nearly as much seeing Sams face when we landed back on top. An ideal start to a weeks holiday in Cornwall.

Hangy Dave does a super take off
Of and away and into prone

Conditions having moderated nicely gave hangy Dave (Newquay) the chance to pop in a couple of flights on the Calypso to keep his hand in for when his new Wills Wing Sport 2 arrives and he did a good job on both flights with his first top landing at Perran going remarkably well.

Max Wall impression as dave comes into land

Kaz also nipped up on her hangy and showed us how much lift there was around as she floated about up top.

By the time Sam J and myself clipped in again for a bit more tandem flying the wind picked up quickly and Sam made the wise decision to hold back showing the right attitude for tandeming and wait for a better day to complete his rating, maybe Friday.

Busy few hours and a mixture of conditions keeping us on our toes.

Quote of the day "just brilliant"

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