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Saturday, January 07, 2012

Hanging in the wind

 Checking conditions or sniffing armpits ??

Gliders rigged and ready

A brisk NW saw us head to Perranporth for some hangy work and again it was good to get out.  There was a good turn out of hangies with pilots arriving in a steady stream and the rigging area filling up.  Charlie k (Winchester) was down to start her hangy Hill conversion having learnt on the tow with us at the end of last year.  The plan was to get her used to the hill with a bit of tethering before letting her loose over the next couple of days.

We had a fun time flying her on the ropes and Charlie got the hang of it very quickly in ideal conditions which saw her floating nicely on her Wills Wing Eagle 145 giving her the chance to practice prone conversions along with "soaring". 

Finally the wind eased back a tadge and with Tim K (Charlies dad) leading the way on his Atos and putting in his first flight since an interesting launch in St Andre gliders began to get airborne.  It is fair to say that it was windy enough and as the direction moved more to the north conditions became more challenging.

Not everyone flew with the lighter pilots giving it a miss but those that did all landed safetly and enjoyed themselves.  Hats off to Shad for driving from London for the day and thanks to Nigel W and Shad for their help on the tethers.

Lets hope tomorrow is a better day .

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