After a rough night due to tooth ache due to ignoring fillings that fell out a long time ago it was nice to be greeted by a day that showed a lot of promise for flying.
Chapel Porth was the selected site and we made a quick start to catch both the wind and the tide. On arrival things were looking good with the wind ok for both hangers and Paragliders so Whilst Kev S (Yeovil) rigged the Hanger Adi c Illogan) got the Paraglider out. After a hill brief and site brief the tide was suitably far out to give a good beach and the eind had freshened a little making it more of a Hangy day than Para.
A demo' flight showed Kev the ropes then it was his turn to have a go at his first soaring flight. A little nervously he stood at the front then made a perfect take off into super lift and was smoothly up and away in a few paces. With a little encouragement he was soon a couple of hundred feet up and looking very smooth and relaxed. After settling in he explored the speed range of the glider and popped in a few 360's before coming in and putting in a super top landing to look very pleased with himself.
A short break and debrief and Kev was off again for his second flight making just as good a job and having a ball as his confidence grew. Again a good top landing saw him back on Terra firma after a good 30 minutes and convincing him it was not just luck!
Next off was Kieth S as we converted him onto a new glider which was quite a big step up from his old one. Kieth did a fine job and actually made it look pretty smooth although he found the much lighter and less stable glider more taxing than his old one but i am sure he will settle into it quickly. His top landing was acceptable and after his second flight it was better as he got used to the extra glide.
Then it was onto the Tandem for a flight up with Mavy (Exeter) who had a fine time doing something she had long wanted to experience. Conditions were near perfect and we cruised the cliffs alongside other gliders and Mavy spotted what was more than likely a basking Shark cruising the surf line down below. A BIG breakfast began to get the better of her after a while so we dropped in for a nice top landing to let it settle!
Kaz fancied a jolly too so up we went again and had a great time playing with the low cloud that started to form and flying with Tim and Michel (on his Paraglider just) in what must be one of the best playgrounds on the planet.
Great to see a good crowd of hangies out having fun and lots of happy pilots. Well done to Kev on his first soaring flights and just 4 weeks from starting with us (total of seven days so far), lets hope its good next weekend so we can get him Hill qualified as well.
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