Strange day in the tow field as the easterly wind played tricks. On arrival it was already breezy enough for the Paragliders so they set off across the field for some ground handling. They being Mike C (Perranwell), Bob H (Tavistock) and Alan S (Falmouth).
Meanwhile the Hangers got cracking with a real mixture of things going on. Jonathon P (Bristol) was along for some refresher work and to get back into towing and had a great day settling in and enjoying some good flights the last of which saw him floating around the field having climbed out from almost setting up to land.
Paul C (Plymouth) continued into his EPC and despite a "slow" start finally got more relaxed and sorted out his airspeed to get his turns going. Hopefully he will now be set up to move into his CPC next time out.
Simon C (Honiton) on his second day moved nicely off the tethers and put in some super flights across the field as he prepared for his first release flights. He took an early bath after tweaking his shoulders but is looking good for his next day out to move on to higher flights and turns.
Gary M (Bath) came down to have another days practice on his landings and had a fine time starting off on the Mars then moving onto the Calypso. His confidence steadily built and hopefully he will soon be happy to get back into the air (and down again) on his rigid.
Shame we could not get the Para's into the air but a couple of test flights quickly made it plain that it was not good up the boys however did well and the ground work they did will pay dividends in the future.
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