The fine weather continues and so does the Training. An easy day in the field saw Saied (Bracknell) back for his second day with us working alongside Andrew M (Bridport) on his third day. Also Caroline P (Seaton) came along for a go at Paragliding to see what it was like.
Caroline did well with the basics of Paragliding but quickly decided it was not for her despite having a talent for what she did. Still that's what it's all about and great to meet such a fun person.
Saied worked hard through the day starting in the simulator in order to sort out his twisting before moving nicely into release flights and gentle turns. By the end of the day an 18 flights later he was flying nicely up to well over 100' releasing and carrying out good turns up to 90 degrees and beyond and landing on his feet so completing his EPC tasks. Nearly ready for the top of the line his flying has progressed well and some basic flaws have been overcome.
Andrew M built well on his last day day out and after a couple of settling in flights was off the the top of the line for the first time. With another 16 flights to his credit he had experienced 180 turns, slow flight appreciation (stalls) converted to prone flight and managed to land "on the spot" by the end of the day, a fantastic achievement. Add to this the bonus of looking down on two F18 jets as they flew past and it was a pretty amazing day for him.
Pilot x also popped in a few flights to see them get their first high flight on a chest release which was a big step. I got to fly a small Wills Wing Eagle on the tow line and what fun it was.
Paul H was also out in the field flying first his NRG Mosquito and then his Doodlebug (power units) on his Falcon hang glider and having a super time.
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