The day was to be a paramotor day with Luke H returning after a long break to hopefully sort out his CPC tasks. In the filed it was a gorgeous day and although fickle to start with the wind settled down with the sea breeze by 11.00hours.
Paul H was first off on his "new2 unit and had a super flight to test conditions and show Luke the way. Luke then put in 3 nice flights although the landings still need some work. Pauls third flight ended prematurely with a dead motor out over Godrevy but he had plenty of height to glide back to the filed for a nice landing.
Pete l also made it along and had some nice flying enjoying the stunning views as the breakers crashed into the North Cliffs. Even I managed to get airborne to get a piece of the action. An early day was called after Luke found his prop had a split developing.
After sorting out the phone calls Kaz talked me in to trip to Perranporth for an evening flight where we arrived at 19.35 and enjoyed some lovely flying on the Paragliders until sunset. here endeth a very pleasant day.............
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