It was a damp start in the field but the low cloud quickly cleared and with a very light NW wind conditions were super smooth all day. The Hangers got going first with Pilot X taking the first tows and doing a fine job flying across the field untethered. New boy Bill N was next up after having done some ground work and hand tows. "Moon walking" was the order of the day but one small step for man proved a huge step for Bill and he had an early day after pulling a ham string, despite several offers to rub it better he declined and spent the rest of the day being his usual helpful self. Now known as Arnie his quote was "I'll be back" that is along with several other quotes one of which also included back but can't be published here.....
Kevein T (Falmouth) got his first taste of towing on a Paraglider having done hill flying several years ago and had a great day getting his hand in along with working through the majority of the CPC tasks over his Twenty three tows!!
Mike P was back down on the Hang Glider and did a good job in the light conditions which gave him some fast landings as his wing loading is on the high side.
Sam A turned up in the afternoon and picked up his new Ozone Buzz Z/ Woody Valley Velvet 2 combination and even got to fly them. He had a super afternoon adapting the lighter handling and quicker wing looking very happy by the end of it.
A good day with another two pilots ready for their hill conversions, all we need is the weather.
1 comment :
Phippsy, you are too kind! Looks like a comitted launch....having let go of the risers way too early (again!) and do i see a tad of break on there too??!!
But it was a great day and thanks to all the crew for helping me max out the winch on a quiet one. I'm now aching in some places I didn't realise could ache!
Really enjoyed learning so much in one day and am looking forward to nailing my towed launches again at the next opportunity - don't let go of the b***dy risers!! Also spent some time on the Ozone website today salivating over all the kit and enjoyed reading the tips on there too.
I soooo love flying!! Woohoo!!
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