With the wind forecast to increase by early afternoon we made an early start arriving at the field for 08.00 am. Dave L was up even earlier leaving home well before 07.00 but arriving spot on time. Mike D also made it along although a little later having overslept after yesterdays exertions. Still the guys were quickly at it and it wasn't long before Mike was putting in his first release flights and then moving onto higher flights with gentle turns down to land. A total of 9 flights saw him well into his EPC tasks before the breeze picked up as forecast at 12.30.
Dave also had a good day putting the final touches to his EPC over 3 flights before moving into his CPC with his first high flights and circuits of which he did 5 giving him a total of 8 for the day. We rounded off with some ground handling just to make sure the guys were full before having an early bath by mid afternoon with the wind picking up further.
Useful day and whats more they can have day off tomorrow as we head to the hills.......
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