It was another cracker in the tow field, the warmest this year by far. Conditions to start with were breezy enough and with the added "bonus" of thermals popping out the valley the Paragliders hung back whilst I flew the "Pink Mars". It was only took a couple of tows before I joined a flock of seagulls and couple of Buzzards heading skywards pretty much smack over the winch. 10 minutes latter the view from 1200'+ was stunning pulling back upwind there was plenty of lifty bis to play with before landing back in the field to asses conditions for the paragliders. Next it was up on Bill N's wing to check it out and things were fine so Steve M asked me to test out his new Mojo 2 / Vevet 2 combination which resulted in another nice thermalling flight around the field. Just as things were set to get going the sea breeze arrived forcing a change of ends. Still it gave excellent towing conditions for both Hangers and danglers. Steve M made the most of them getting to grips with his new wing being impressed by its nimble handling and glide which resulted in a few longer walks back than usual! Ray D popped in a couple of super tows to keep his hand in along with Bill and Kaz. Martin J added to his tally for his tow conversion and did a fine demonstration of a Barnes Wallace invention on one of his "landings". Phil S represented the hangers on his Rio doing well especially as conditions got lighter towards the end of the day. Pete L buzzed off on his Paramotor to find out just how bumpy it was inland and came back with stories of rustling canopies.... Another fine day long may they continue..
Operating in the Southwest providing tuition and sales for pilots throughout the country
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You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
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