With the winds forecast to be very light SE we acted on our instinct and headed to Vault Bay where Gunny and myself arrived just after midday soon joined by Bill n we had a super couple of hour's flying in perfect conditions. Graham A joined to hopefully complete his hill endorsement and ex student Lawrence O also arrived. With the breeze dropping Graham did an excellent job with a couple of technical soaring flights and landings to "pass out" with flying colours. The rest of us were kept entertained jumping of and scratching around but everyone managed to find somewhere to land so avoiding a long walk. A nice day and as always good to get out.
The evening saw the KHPA social at Nick and Paula's place which whilst numbers were low the company was good, the social was fun, the food superb and most importantly the A team won the skittles challenge. Big thanks to Nick and Paula and congratulations to Mark W for winning the Gurning competition whilst flying his indoor plane.
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