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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Megaday MegaSun MegaFun

Michel enjoys clear air (exceptfor the vultures) as we beat the crowds
Steve looks forward to joining Kaz up in the blue yonder

Most of the gang at the lower launch waiting for the wind to ease

the lights came back on but then the beer had kicked in

Another early start saw us first on the hill at Montellano where yes it was blue sky and sunshine again. As the wind came on Mark was first off for an extended top to bottom. Stve followed and did a good job of the flight but kinda got the landing bit less than perfect resulting in an interesting landing option, don´t take afence Steve. Ray got away next and semi soared before heading out and having learnt from Steves flight did a cracking spot landing all be it without the aid of an undercarriage. Allen got off just before it became soarable and joined them whilst Kaz drove down to get then back up. Wanda took off and began to soar pretty much straight away along with Michel whilst the others drove back up, they enjoyed a super 30 minutes just the two of them and the Vultures before the masses began to arrive. Soon the air was alive with gliders and our early pilots joined them. Steve had a cracker ridge soaring up and having a good 30 minutes pretty much as high as he wanted before deciding to go down and sort out his landing approach, job done , it was perfect. Kaz even got a chance to fly and had fun thermalling up with the rest of them.
Finally one by one they decided to land for lunch and with everyone back at launch I managed to sneak in a flight in what were by now fairly bouncy conditions with some cumulus forming overhead. Michel joined me just before I decided to head down.
With the wind on the increase we met up on the low launch where Mark jumped off to prove it soarable for Steve who put in his third flight of the day- The lift kicked in and gliders were all over the sky, again the guys slowly landed one by one with Michel being one of the last down declaring it as his "best flight ever", what more can you ask. It was a quiet and tired crew that arrived back in Algo´ to find it in darkness with a power cut, still a few beers by candle light in JJ´s sorted it out and the lights came on so that is where we stayed. Quote of the day "Ok Phippsy, you got me up here , now get me down "..... tomorrow more of the same I hope..

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