Operating in the Southwest providing tuition and sales for pilots throughout the country
Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Sunshine !
It was almost like being abroad again, with a sunny day and light winds. There was a lot of rain around but it seemed to avoid us so we didn't complain. Graham A (Torrington) and Steve M (Tresillian) both got their first taste of the winch in very light conditions. By the end of the day they were releasing the line and doing gentle turns down to land getting them well into their EPC's. Justin M dropped by for a few tows to keep his hand in as did Wanda S who put a few Demons to rest. Mark F got up and away on his Paramotor for a couple of super flights and was joined by Paul H on his Doodle Bug so making for a fun and varied day, not bad for late November. Sorry forgot the camera
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Back to reality
Ok it wasn't bright and sunny but at least it was flyable at Perranporth. With the wind coming and going throughout the day along with the misty stuff you had to pick your moment. Still plenty of pilots got plenty of soaring in. Justin M down from Nottingham got his first taste of hill soaring as he began a hill conversion with us having learned on the tow line "up north". He did a first class job cruising the ridge before coming in for a good top landing before the cloud lowered itself onto the hill. Kat' D had a fun Tandem flight as we flew up and down the ridge at cloudbase, well trying to stay out of it actually, maybe she will return on a sunnier day. Steve D turned up just too late hoping to build on his "Spanish" experiences as the wind dropped off and the damp came in.
A useful day...
A useful day...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
All good things come to an end
It was up and away early to get Peachy to the airport on time. As the sun rose (again) we all began to think the same thing...... Still having dropped Tony off we headed to the beach where we had a pleasant few hours and yet a few more laughs. The sea was clear as was the beach but as the morning wore on the greater bloated Brit began to appear with its offspring in its England kit. What it must be like in the summer I hate to think. The flight back was uneventful except for Steve having his fossils confiscated and as we got off the plane I was nearly blown off the stair way, yep it definitely was the UK. At passport control we spotted a couple of dubious looking characters who looked like they were on the lookout for someone and turned out to be "special squad". Yep you guessed it I was invited into a small room along with Kaz where we underwent a thorough interrogation before being released back into the community.
The end of a great trip thanks to the weather the location and mainly to the guys and gals that came along .. here's to the next one.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Chocolate, Fossils & exploding bottoms (in the Sun)
Peachy "promoting" the wine, nearly as good as my spelling
Firstly apologieses for the smelling mistkes last nite but we had a bite to drunk. Needless to say it was SUNMNY again all day. We headed off to Montellano where whilst we waited for the wind to come on the face Michel learnt the finer points of ground handling and forward launching. Peachy got away first but was a little early and did an "out landing", Michel gave it his best shot which wasn´t very good. Ray was ready for it but no sooner did he "get it up " than the wind increased to what we considered a breezy state. This was confirmed by one of the locals getting it wrong so we resulted to Fossil hunting which provided some good results for Mark and Steve. Leaving Mark and Michel to sunbathe the rest of us headed off for coffee and sight seeing. The sight seeing largely consited of spotting churches and bottoms which were on the verge of going balistic, a trend that seems common in this part of Spain with the women........ An hour or so later we were back on the slope the wind eased. Pretty soon the guys and gals were up and away for yet another cracking evening flight with more hot chocolate conditions but not before Mark had a german girl come on top of him..... As the sun set the pilots began to land and the sun had truly set by the time the last of the group were down. A super evening meal in the local restaurant with plenty of laughs followed by a night cap in JJ´s rounded off another super day and the end of a cracking trip with 7 days flying out of 6 for some!! Tomorrow it,s back to the UK, what´s the weather like????????
Friday, November 21, 2008
Where´s Wanda and Hot Chocolate
Amore elaxed sart still saw us on site before the Germans, and by the time they arrived our boys and gals had nearly an hours airtime uinder their belts. Syeve put in another great soaring flight joining the more experienced guys already up their. Ray was ready to go when news came through that Wanda had landed on top somwhere hving got high into the stronger winds (we were using the lower launch). Ray and myselh high tailed it up the hill wher Ray picked up Wanda who had and exciting experience but made a good job of it by picking out a good landing spot and sorting it all out, Her first XC completed it was back down to the lower launch.
The day was filled by pilots flying when they choose with conditions varying from bouncy to silky depending on the time of day. Al and Michel mastered the art of top landing the lower take off to join the ranks of the sky Gods.
It was rounded off with a classic evening flight especially for Mark and Michel who are still raving on about just how much lift there was and just how smoothe it was, like flying through hot chocalate Mark reckoned. Quote of the day " is Ray coming off" (Kaz) .... Oh, forgot to mention it was bright and sunny, and guess what it´s forecast to be again tomorrow....
The day was filled by pilots flying when they choose with conditions varying from bouncy to silky depending on the time of day. Al and Michel mastered the art of top landing the lower take off to join the ranks of the sky Gods.
It was rounded off with a classic evening flight especially for Mark and Michel who are still raving on about just how much lift there was and just how smoothe it was, like flying through hot chocalate Mark reckoned. Quote of the day " is Ray coming off" (Kaz) .... Oh, forgot to mention it was bright and sunny, and guess what it´s forecast to be again tomorrow....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Megaday MegaSun MegaFun
Another early start saw us first on the hill at Montellano where yes it was blue sky and sunshine again. As the wind came on Mark was first off for an extended top to bottom. Stve followed and did a good job of the flight but kinda got the landing bit less than perfect resulting in an interesting landing option, don´t take afence Steve. Ray got away next and semi soared before heading out and having learnt from Steves flight did a cracking spot landing all be it without the aid of an undercarriage. Allen got off just before it became soarable and joined them whilst Kaz drove down to get then back up. Wanda took off and began to soar pretty much straight away along with Michel whilst the others drove back up, they enjoyed a super 30 minutes just the two of them and the Vultures before the masses began to arrive. Soon the air was alive with gliders and our early pilots joined them. Steve had a cracker ridge soaring up and having a good 30 minutes pretty much as high as he wanted before deciding to go down and sort out his landing approach, job done , it was perfect. Kaz even got a chance to fly and had fun thermalling up with the rest of them.
Finally one by one they decided to land for lunch and with everyone back at launch I managed to sneak in a flight in what were by now fairly bouncy conditions with some cumulus forming overhead. Michel joined me just before I decided to head down.
With the wind on the increase we met up on the low launch where Mark jumped off to prove it soarable for Steve who put in his third flight of the day- The lift kicked in and gliders were all over the sky, again the guys slowly landed one by one with Michel being one of the last down declaring it as his "best flight ever", what more can you ask. It was a quiet and tired crew that arrived back in Algo´ to find it in darkness with a power cut, still a few beers by candle light in JJ´s sorted it out and the lights came on so that is where we stayed. Quote of the day "Ok Phippsy, you got me up here , now get me down "..... tomorrow more of the same I hope..
Finally one by one they decided to land for lunch and with everyone back at launch I managed to sneak in a flight in what were by now fairly bouncy conditions with some cumulus forming overhead. Michel joined me just before I decided to head down.
With the wind on the increase we met up on the low launch where Mark jumped off to prove it soarable for Steve who put in his third flight of the day- The lift kicked in and gliders were all over the sky, again the guys slowly landed one by one with Michel being one of the last down declaring it as his "best flight ever", what more can you ask. It was a quiet and tired crew that arrived back in Algo´ to find it in darkness with a power cut, still a few beers by candle light in JJ´s sorted it out and the lights came on so that is where we stayed. Quote of the day "Ok Phippsy, you got me up here , now get me down "..... tomorrow more of the same I hope..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tossers on the hill (in the Sun)
Early start to beat the Germans saw us at Montellano by 10.00 where it was light and guess what´SUNNY: Steve was first off with a cracking forward launch much to Michels amazement. Ray gave it his best shot but decided to give it a miss after his first attempt. Tony joined the fray and got away clean having a nice buoyant flight down to join Kaz and Steve in the landing field. With no one else prepared to go for a forward launch I sneaked a flight in before the forecast wind increased to such an extent it was to strong in a matter of minutes. With the wind strong we practiced our juggling skills and catapult target practice (much to the disgust of some) before heading off for coffee before returning for an evening flight which Allen and Michel sneaked in but fair to say we missed the best of it. Still a fun day with some very funny conversations going on ranging from Sperm Wales to Two women one cup. Cracking meal out followed by number 43´s in JJ´s. Quote of the day " I´ve never seen such a big one" (Kaz)... forecast for tomorrow.... more Sun.... more Fun....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Lost Souls in the Sun
The guys were up and ready for the 10.00 o´clock start and off up the hill we went. The forecast was for a light NW but we were hoping that the sun (yes it was sunny again) would pull the wind up the SE face. We sat there all alone but sure enough it did come up the face but no one was quite convinced enough to go for it as the Vultures were only climbing slowly. At 13.00 the first dusties arrived and having watched the guys at Ronda struggle we opted to head over to the west launch. Timing was perfect and within 30 minutes Kaz was off to spot the landing field. Catching a nice thermal over it she climbed back up to launch height proving it was working. The guys quickly got going with Michel and Allen leading the way both on identical Ruish 2´s looking like the terrible twins. Mark was next then Steve, Tony and Wanda all off whom thermalled up and away from launch. Ray brought up the rear and had a fantastic flight climbing out in thermals over the landing field to get his first serious height gains. Slowly the guys began to descend with Ray opting for an alternative landing field (the official one) where he performed an excuse for a landing on the road, lucky no cars were coming! Steve did his first XC getting totally lost and landing several K away to be found by myself as I drove along to get the others. The rest landed with Kaz with huge smiles after some cracking flying with the Vultures . Quote of the day "nice ass" and I wasn´t looking at the ears..... don´t ask. You will have to wait to see the flychaps "studs" photo ....... guess what we are in the bar
Monday, November 17, 2008
Sun & Fun on day one
After a Big shop for stores in the morning it was off up Lejar where the wind was a little off and a bit strong, but patience was a virtue and as the thermals kicked in things got better and better. Under a totally blue sky gliders began launching and climbed out with the circling Vultures. Michel was first of the group off followed by Allen, Steve,Tony and Mark in quick succession. Whilst the others thermalled up Steve settled down with a super flight down playing with lift on the way for his first hill flight since getting his CPC on the tow. Next it was Rays turn for his first ever hill flight and the nerves were showing. He should not have worried he did a cracking launch putting many others to shame and followed it up with an amazing flight through numerous thermals before performing a first class landing right on the spot. Wanda completed the group with a good launch and a super flight circling up before heading out to the field where she also put in a cracking landing.
Everyone safe and sound with big smiles and guess what we are in the bar!!! photos will follow when we get back.....
Everyone safe and sound with big smiles and guess what we are in the bar!!! photos will follow when we get back.....
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hola Hola Hola
An early start saw us heading off to Bornemouth from where we, Phippsy, Kaz, Michel K, Allen K, Steve D, Wanda S, Ray D and Mark F caught a plane to Malaga where we met up with Tony M. Arriving at Algo´by different routes we found it flyable so after checking out the bottom landing we headed up the hill for an evening flight. Allen, Michel and Steve had nice flights down whilst the rest were either to knackered or a bit late for the conditions. Picking the guys up from the landing field we headed off to the bar where we are now!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Some you win some you lose
The forecast was for it to brighten up and the wind ease back so we headed to the tow field. Graham A got straight down to it on the Paraglider refining his ground handling and looking pretty good at it despite the breezier conditions than Friday. Nick f rigged the Paramotor ready to take advantage of the forecasted slot. It wasn't to be, so Graham had fun with the hand tows which saw Tim and myself speechless whilst Graham got some good airtime, and Nick got through some theory.
With a complete Paramotor we gave Tim his first feel of Power as he ran around the field with it on his back looking remarkably at home!
So not a wasted day but could have been a better one. Still off to Spain lets hope the weather improves on our return..
Friday, November 14, 2008
Easy day in the field
The day was always a little damp but with graham A down from Torrington we decided to give it a shot. Graham on his first day at Paragliding did really well putting his Kite surfing skills to good use on the ground handling side. Despite a damp canopy he got firmly to grips with both reverse and forward launches on the Atom. With a gentle pace he got himself ready for the tow line on his next day out, hopefully tomorrow... watch this space.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
"Short packed" Day
The forecast was for the breeze to pick up by the end of the day so we got going pretty much as soon as we hit the field. Steve D was on the tow line on his Paraglider finishing off his CPC tasks by putting in 6 tows on the trot taking him through Speed Bar, Big ears and Asymmetrics all of which he completed in fine style.
Nick F put the Paramotor together and did a fine take off followed by some nice flying and finishing off with a first class landing only a few paces from the spot his new found confidence from yesterday showing through.
Pete L flew his power unit as the wind filled resulting in the need for some speed bar to push back up wind to the field demonstrating it was getting to windy for the Paragliders.
Mike K (Kingsbridge) got his first taste of Hang Gliding and did a superb job on the ground work before getting onto the winch where he had several good flights before the wind picked up making it time to stop play. We were wrapped up by mid afternoon but still a lot done in the field and leaving a couple of hours for some theory to boot, nice one.
Nick F put the Paramotor together and did a fine take off followed by some nice flying and finishing off with a first class landing only a few paces from the spot his new found confidence from yesterday showing through.
Pete L flew his power unit as the wind filled resulting in the need for some speed bar to push back up wind to the field demonstrating it was getting to windy for the Paragliders.
Mike K (Kingsbridge) got his first taste of Hang Gliding and did a superb job on the ground work before getting onto the winch where he had several good flights before the wind picked up making it time to stop play. We were wrapped up by mid afternoon but still a lot done in the field and leaving a couple of hours for some theory to boot, nice one.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
A Cracker for November 5th

A break in the weather saw a good opportunity to get back into the field where we had a good day with a mixture of power flying and some ground work. Nick F (Exmouth) had a top day putting his previous work on the Paraglider to good use as we got him going on the Paramotor. After some familiarization work and some running around the field "under power" he was ready for his first flight. He did a grand job resulting in a total of 3 flights up to 1500' on the Paramotor giving him a huge grin along with plenty of airtime.
tell was also along to put in his final qualification flight on his Doodlebug which he did with a 2 hour flight taking in most of west Cornwall.
Steve M joined in the fun putting in plenty of ground work on the Paraglider which aw his confidence and ability soar so getting him set for the winch next time out.
Another good day with plenty of success, here's to tomorrow.
tell was also along to put in his final qualification flight on his Doodlebug which he did with a 2 hour flight taking in most of west Cornwall.
Steve M joined in the fun putting in plenty of ground work on the Paraglider which aw his confidence and ability soar so getting him set for the winch next time out.
Another good day with plenty of success, here's to tomorrow.
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