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Sunday, June 01, 2008

There was "allsorts" going on

Whilst the day started a little misty it soon cleared and the sun came out to make it a warm one. Dave h was along for a Taster day on the Paraglider and after a bit of rolling on the mats for his PLF's he was out in the field getting to know the Paraglider with TI Pete C. Chris S had a queit morning taking his CPC exam which he passed well so completing his CPC, well done Chris. After lunch the usual suspects had arrived and the winch swung into action. Paul R came down from Southamprton to look at a Hang Glider and drove off with it on top of his car looking happy, another satisfied customer. Paul h was out with his NRG Mosquito and went off for a grand tour of west Cornwall for a couple of hours. Meanwhile towing progressed with Dave H getting airborne on the Paraglider and having a super first flight across the field ending in a good landing. As the wind got lighter mark F turned up with his Paramotor to try it out with his new Ozone Roadster. He had a couple of cracking flights the first upto 3000' giving amazing views along the north coast and the second playing with the low cloud that moved in towards evening. was it good? ask him but he certainly looked happy and the speed at which he could get around the sky was quite impressive.
Mick L completed his EPC tasks and eneded the day with a couple of high fligts and circuits to bring a smile to his face. Rick W completed his CPC tasks with a couple of Asymmetrics so now only needs the exam to qualify, all in a week. Dean F put in some top up tows as did Adam W both of whom are just waiting for that elusive hill day.
Another busy and varied day in the field with allsorts of flying going on, nice one

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