After much umming and aghhhing we finally decided to give it a go early afternoon despite the forecast. No sooner had we loaded thetruck than it began to rain, still undaunted we headed to the field, where it rained...... However slowly things cleared up and bt 3.30 the rain stopped and things looked better and by 4.30 we were towing. Ray D had a cracking time moving nicely into his EPC flights and getting his first release out of the way. Dean F cracked off the final flying tasks for his CPC and now only needs some topup flights and an exam to complete. Graham K put in some more flights towards his tow endorsement and looked all the better for it.
A lot got done in a little over 2hrs towing making it well worth while, nice one.
A lot got done in a little over 2hrs towing making it well worth while, nice one.
Thanks again for your perseverance with me and thanks again to Coady for driving the winch and running the lines back. I promise that I will land somewhere near that windsock by the end of the year! Is there any chance of getting a really big windsock?
how about same windsock but smaller field ? Nice one thanks
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