Operating in the Southwest providing tuition and sales for pilots throughout the country
Our Blog is an up to date record of what we have been up to both in the school and out of it. We endeavour to update it as regularly as possible and include a sample the days pictures when available.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
You can scroll back through the Blog and follow various students progress through their training and get a good idea of how the school operates.
You will also find records of our trips abroad which will give you a good idea of what to expect should you wish to come on one with us.
Please visit it on a regular basis and feel free to add comments.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Party time for the Stag
Oh what fun we had with Adam W's Stag Party who came from all over the UK for a go at Paragliding. With perfect wind conditions the guys made excellent progress through their taster day, Ok some were better than others but in fairness they were all pretty good, dare I say above average. The low cloudbase didn't hinder us and by mid afternoon they were all getting their first flights in on the tow line. by the end of the day they had all put in 3 cracking flights across the field and were congratulating each other on their success. It was a good day which kept us on our toes but was also very rewarding to see such a bunch of no hopers come good!. Wouldn't be surprised if we see one or two of them back for more, watch this space. Hopefully some piccies soon if they send us any.....
Friday, May 30, 2008
The Longest Day...

It all started at 08.00 with Rick W and Ray D taking their EPC exams, both passed well done lads. Then it was off to the field where we got Guy D going on his Taster Day whilst the rest did some ground handling. The lines were soon running with the first two flights indicating some nice lift around. After a couple of winch moves due the wind changing things settled down and the tows came thick and fast. Guy did well on his Taster Day ending with four flights across the field and a Tandem which was enough to convince him to come back for more so watch this space. Ray D had a good day moving within a couple of flights of his EPC finishing with some nice release flights with good turns. Mick L also cracked on into his EPC tasks getting to the same position. Rick W had another heavy day moving through his CPC flights and starting the final phase by carrying out "Big Ears" leaving only the Asymmetrics to go. Chris S was back with his new Mojo and had some good flights to finish off his CPC tasks as did Paul C. Throw in some free flyers and Tandems and it was a busy day with 82 tows on the log, another late night with a stunning sun set at 21.30, even more zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Making the most of it
Rick W gets his first high flight and circuit
Rick W looks happy with his evenings "work"

It had been breezy all day but with the forecast to drop again in the evening we headed to the field for an evening session at 17.45. Rick W played with some ground handling and it wasn't long before the wind eased and towing got underway in smooth and buoyant conditions. Rick made cracking progress over a total of 10 flights completing his EPC flying tasks and rounding off with some high flights and circuits to start him into his CPC, pretty good for someone who only started a few days ago. Tony P kept him company in the air with some nice towing, enjoying getting his feet off the ground and having some fun at the same time. Tony took the last line at just gone 21.00hrs as the sun was setting zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
No rain here
Whilst pretty much everywhere to the east got wet we had a super evening in the tow field rounded off with a stunning sunset. Rick W got his first taste of actual flying having done the ground work the previous evening. After a couple of hand tows in the light conditions we wasted no time in getting him on the tow line. By the end of the evening he had put in 10 tows and moved nicely into his EPC tasks with release flights and gentle turns, BIG SMILE. Paul C completed his CPC top up flights and spent the eveningbuilding experience as did Dean F and Kaz all learning lots as the wind dropped to zero. Good to have Paul h out on the winch and to see Tony P .
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
An evening out
to this....

Arriving at the field at 16.00 after an interesting day we found the wind still a little on the breezy side but the sun was out. Rick W ( Dean F's drinking partner) was along for his introduction to Paragliding and was soon rolling around on the mats doing his PLF's. Next it was off into the field to do glider introduction and before long as the wind eased a bit he was getting to grips with ground handling. Mick L arrived and put in some useful ground work and was looking good by the time he left us at gone 20.00 hrs. Rick kept at it and by 20.30 was experiencing his first hand tows making him all set for the winch tows next time out. Dean also got some more play time with his Buzz Z.
Mark F pitched up hoping to fly the Paramotor again and it wasn't long before the wind eased further. He had a cracking flight on the Black Devil unit which convinced him that it is the way to go landing at gone 21.00.
By the time we left the field at gone 22.00 the wind had died away to nothing....maybe tomorrow ..
Sunday, May 25, 2008
New Toy for the Boys

A wet & windy morning gave way to a bright and lighter afternoon which saw us head to the field for a spot of Paramotoring with a brand new Fly Products Black Devil unit. Conditions were good with convergence setting up over the field giving plenty of lift, shame we didn't get the winch out. I took the first flights which proved the unit and indicated the level of thrust it produces even on low throttle settings making take offs remarkably simple. After a couple of flights and playing with the thermals Mark F had a go putting in two super flights with first class take offs and landings. he racked up some nice airtime before coming back to the field to top up with fuel. Whilst he had a break i again took to the air as the convergence line shifted to the north and found pleasant lift enough to stay up easily even with the engine off. Mark rounded of the afternoon with a trip up to a couple of grand before dropping back into the filed just as the wind began to increase. A very impressive unit with loads of thrust, not to much weight and surprisingly "quiet". Bring it on....
Friday, May 23, 2008
No peace for the wicked
With the morning spent fixing Ben F's Booster it was lunchtime before we set off for the fields which as it turned out was about right as the wind eased back and the clouds bubbled up. the Hangies made the best of the early part of the day with Gay J getting back into towing with an eye on power taking the first flights. Nigel S and Ben F also took some lines before the Paragliders got going. Paul h did some demo flights on his mosquito power unit showing perfect take offs followed by interesting landing approaches. Dean had a cracking first flight on his new Ozone Buzz Z landing with a huge smile after yet another of his now seemingly commonplace thermalling flights , for an unbiased opinion of the wing ask him. Bill N had some nice tows showing his family what he can do and was joined by Kaz P and Graham K on the Paragliding front. I managed to get the Tandem out and had some nice flights with Deans daughter Amber who took everything in her stride and with Bills relation A? ending with a super one as the last tow of the day.
Ben got going on his Booster unit and was looking very compatent by the close of play (at 20.15) with a super fifth and final flight taking him to several thousand feet so giving stunning views across the county as the sun dropped. Again a long day with plenty going on to keep us amused. Sorry no photo's too busy to take any, maybe someone else has some.
Ben got going on his Booster unit and was looking very compatent by the close of play (at 20.15) with a super fifth and final flight taking him to several thousand feet so giving stunning views across the county as the sun dropped. Again a long day with plenty going on to keep us amused. Sorry no photo's too busy to take any, maybe someone else has some.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
It was just like summer

Waiting for the wind to ease back and the sky to brighten we headed to the field just after lunch arriving as one of the best looking skies this year appeared. Pete C took the first tows and played in the thermals before taking over the winch to get the students going. Ben F had a busy day with 10 tows getting in experience on his recently aquired Rio with a mixture of high flights and low powered launches to get him ready for his Booster power unit. Unfortunately on its test flight with myself on board the Boosters throttle cable parted leaving me with a tight landing , still all's well and hopefully it will be fixed for tomorrow. Dean was racking up experience for the hill having completed his CPC and had 9 tows including a couple of nice thermic flights around the field on which some he was joined by Adam W (8 tows), both did really well without instruments climbing up in the lift with the seagulls. Paul C was back with us afer a long break but got nicely back into things with 6 tows and was looking sweet by the end of the day. Nick G also had fun in the sky and made good use of the available lift although his timing for a break was poor as this proved to be the best flying period of the day! Ben L turned up in the evening and did well with his ground handling before getting on the line and rattling off 3 tows to take him nicely into his EPC, release flights next. A top day with loads of flying, fun and fermalling, maybe tomorrow will be as good...
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Lifes a breeze
With the wind a little on the brisk side first thing we headed out to the field with the aim of getting Ben F from Swindon started on his tow conversion (Hang gliding) in order to get him back into flying with a view to power in the future. The morning and early afternoon were good for the Hangies with Ben and Chris W making good use of the lines. By mid afternoon things calmed down nicely for the Paragliders. Dean F completed his CPC having done his exam and is now qualified on the tow, not bad in two and a half weeks. Graham K completed his Tow endorsement on his Paraglider and was looking very tidy by the end of the day. Mick L came along for a taste of paragliding ending up with three flights across the field and signing up for the full course on "Best deal". Ben F put in a total of 14 flights to crack his Tow endorsement on the Hanger and looked very relaxed having got nicely back into flying after a 4 year break. Kaz played with thermals whilst Pet L played with brakeless ground handling. a Fun day with lots done and plenty of flying, long may it continue..
Friday, May 16, 2008
Patience is a virtue

After much umming and aghhhing we finally decided to give it a go early afternoon despite the forecast. No sooner had we loaded thetruck than it began to rain, still undaunted we headed to the field, where it rained...... However slowly things cleared up and bt 3.30 the rain stopped and things looked better and by 4.30 we were towing. Ray D had a cracking time moving nicely into his EPC flights and getting his first release out of the way. Dean F cracked off the final flying tasks for his CPC and now only needs some topup flights and an exam to complete. Graham K put in some more flights towards his tow endorsement and looked all the better for it.
A lot got done in a little over 2hrs towing making it well worth while, nice one.
A lot got done in a little over 2hrs towing making it well worth while, nice one.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunshine shines brightly
It was a sunny day in the field making a pleasant change from the misty conditions of the last couple of days. There was a good turn out with a mixture of students and qualified pilots. Chris S was down from "up country" and moved within a day of completing his CPC putting in 4 flights including Big Ears and his first Asymmetric which he did with some enthusiasm.
Dean F continued his swift but steady progress over 8 flights moving well into his CPC tasks and peforming some pretty good spot landings along the way, Instability tasks next. Nick G and Bill N took a trip to Carbis Bay (via PZ for one of them) before returning due to the lack of wind there. Lawrence O'D and Kaz P also used the spare lines whilst Adam W (now CPC tow) built up his experience. Alan J was out for the Hangers having an interesting time on his T2. Towards the end of the day things got a bit more challenging as the sea breeze collapsed mixing with the predominant airflow.
Dean F continued his swift but steady progress over 8 flights moving well into his CPC tasks and peforming some pretty good spot landings along the way, Instability tasks next. Nick G and Bill N took a trip to Carbis Bay (via PZ for one of them) before returning due to the lack of wind there. Lawrence O'D and Kaz P also used the spare lines whilst Adam W (now CPC tow) built up his experience. Alan J was out for the Hangers having an interesting time on his T2. Towards the end of the day things got a bit more challenging as the sea breeze collapsed mixing with the predominant airflow.
Friday, May 09, 2008
Now that's progress

Dean sets up for landing after a high flight
Conditions were about as good as they get for training in the tow field with a light N/E breeze and an overcast sky giving suer smooth but buoyant conditions. Dean F from Falmouth was out for day 2 of his EPC course having signed up following a Taster Day along with Ray D from Ivybridge starting his EPC having given up on hill training "up country".
Dean was quickly in the air for his first flights on a Paraglider and made steady progress through the day putting in a total of 22 flights by close of play at 18.45 taken him through his EPC tasks and giving him 4 high flights and circuits so staring him into his CPC.
Ray had a good day reacquainting himself with Paragliders, practicing his ground work, being introduced to towing before getting on the line himself. Despite leaving early Ray put in 9 launches and by the end of the day was getting to grips with it resulting in some nice flights across the field.
Bill N and Kaz were also out getting some flying in and riding the bike to make life easy for Coady on the winch. All in all a nice day showing again the benefits of tow training and small student numbers. It's the way to learn....
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
British Open 2008 May 2nd - 6th
The first major Hang Gliding Competition of 2008 was held in Mid Wales with and entry of 68 pilots. day one was cancelled early (14.00) due to heavy showers and unstable conditions. To early as it turned out, Pete C and myself launched at around16.oo and had stunning flights being joined by several others. 3 of us flew the 30 odd K back to the base, very nice.
Day 2 saw us at Bache Hill where in uninspiring conditions a task was set as a race to 50 K. Slowly things improved resulting in a total 6 pilots making the distance including myself. Unfortunately I suffered a technical problem resulting in no GPS, only an audio vario and no speed points, still concentrates the mind. The Wills Wing Pilots meal out went well in the evening with lots of stories and meeting of friends.
Days 3 & 4 were untaskable although we try at Corndon but all flights ended in the bottom landing field.
The final day was a cracker with a race to Bala Lake at 80K 8 pilots made it with the remainder spread out over the course. Despite being stuck on a tiny ridge just 15K downwind from take off for over an hour i did finally get there but with a very slow time so yet again no speed points, still a very pleasant day.
The Comp was won by Bruce Kavanagh on his Wills Wing T2 144, nice on Bruce.
Check out details here....
Next stop the European Championships in Austria
Day 2 saw us at Bache Hill where in uninspiring conditions a task was set as a race to 50 K. Slowly things improved resulting in a total 6 pilots making the distance including myself. Unfortunately I suffered a technical problem resulting in no GPS, only an audio vario and no speed points, still concentrates the mind. The Wills Wing Pilots meal out went well in the evening with lots of stories and meeting of friends.
Days 3 & 4 were untaskable although we try at Corndon but all flights ended in the bottom landing field.
The final day was a cracker with a race to Bala Lake at 80K 8 pilots made it with the remainder spread out over the course. Despite being stuck on a tiny ridge just 15K downwind from take off for over an hour i did finally get there but with a very slow time so yet again no speed points, still a very pleasant day.
The Comp was won by Bruce Kavanagh on his Wills Wing T2 144, nice on Bruce.
Check out details here....
Next stop the European Championships in Austria
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